It is shocking yet it happens every day. Realtors Lie to Consumers and Fail to Disclose and No One Holds them Accountable for their actions. No one can make a Realtor liable for their Lies. The Realtors are protected on so many levels.
Real Estate Consumers are hurt everyday at the Lies that Realtors tell them. Yes it is a cruel world and people lie sometimes, the thing is with members of the National Association of Realtors they Lie, They fail to Disclose and they are not held accountable by the So called "Higher Standard" umbrella of NAR that they work under.
No one hears the cries of the real estate consumer, sleepless night after sleepless night as they wonder if tomorrow will be a better day. If tomorrow they will find a way to get the Realtor to pay for the lies they told, or for what they did not disclose that has made it so that the real estate bought is un-sellable, dangerous to live in, worth less, or causing major damage to the structure.
Even if you have proof the Realtors lied, you have to fight for the Rights that Should be Basic in a Real Estate transaction. Having a Realtor in the Real Estate transaction actually provides more legal protection for the buyer to be cheated, lied to, mislead, and Not disclosed to. Without the Realtor, the buyer could sue the seller, and with proof maybe win - maybe not but it would be a more cut and dried situation.
If a Real Estate Agent is not a "Realtor", a member of the National Association of Realtors or a Non-Franchise Real Estate Broker, then this too is better for the real estate consumer, because they will dig harder to make sure that what they are telling is actually true.
Why? They have more liability, non-Realtors do not have that Super Power of the National Association of Realtors, those who lobby for them, and the Giant Insurance Companies behind them.
The Top E and O insurances want, demand that you be a Realtor Member or they will not insure you. Why is this ? Well because "Realtor" members are of a Higher Standard. Not True, but hey it's their motto so
The Realtor and the Previous Seller can act like "they did not know". Even if they did it is hearsay right? However you, now know and it is right out there for all to see because you are seeking justice.
I have had Realtors, ask me if my client fixed a problem under the floor in the kitchen on a property that I had listed for sale. You see Their Client or Friend wants to know BEFORE they buy, what a novel concept right?
Well it just so happens that only 6 months prior to this "Foot in Mouth" call, my Client had bought this property with One of My "Realtors" as their buyers agent, and they did not disclose this "problem" to my client. Yes they found it, they fixed it, it was an issue of well I can't sue the Realtor, I will lose and it will cost more to right so the owner fixed it. To find out later that the Realtor knew and admitted they knew was shocking.
He did so Boldly because, as a Century 21 Agent, he knew that there really was not way to touch him. Many times, this same agent had been "protected" by the Local Association of Realtors. He was and is a Broker Owner, A Realtor, and the local association gives him protection and special treatment. This is not unique to the area I am talking about. I have seen this in several state and several Realtor Associations.
C21, Coldwell Banker, Sotheby's and ERA have even more protection because they are all owned by the same Corporation, and in this they have attorneys, insurance and mega-protection which means to you the real estate consumer, You Lose. Oh I know you were lied to and misled, I know that your Realtor failed to disclose, but you see we will keep you in court longer then your pocketbook, your life, your kids life, and your marriage can possibly stand.
The National Association of Realtors lobbies to make sure they have more rights then you. No one lobbies effectively for Consumers Rights in Real Estate because who has more money then the National Association of Realtors? And is willing to spend it fighting for the rights of the Real Estate Consumer in the Real World of Real Estate.
So, with this, the laws lean more and more every month - day - week to make it easier for the Realtor to lie, Mandatory E and O insurance is one of these horrible acts on the Real Estate Consumer. Making, the Real Estate Agent, by Law Protect themselves from the Real Estate Consumer.
Several times I have seen a Realtor put in writing that a buyer will have Lake Access, that the Seller currently has lake access and the buyer will have it once they buy.
The Realtor deliberately lies or just goes with what the seller says without proving it and in the end the buyer is left to fight for years to get justice or to get the lake access that they were told would "come with" the Sale. There is no consumer protection in real estate.
Whether Realtors lie deliberately or without really knowing the facts, either way they have No Liability. They can simply say they did not know and the laws protect them. They should have known, especially before they used "Lake Access" in their Marketing. But the Realtor knows they have No Real Liability and a whole lot of loopholes to get out of any financial Accountability so they don't go ahead and Prove what the seller says, and provide no real proof to the
One Incident, I listed a 20 acre parcel, the Seller said that they had lake access, I believed them, however, I wanted proof in my file so I asked the Seller for the easement or documents that proved they had lake access. You won't believe the documentation that they had, they had a buy sell agreement, whereby the Seller and the Realtor wrote in that their was lake access. The buyer thought that if it was on the buy sell then it was true, they really had Lake Access. It does not matter what the Buy Sell says, yes it is a legal binding contract, but after you sign the closing papers, ( and the title company will Not prove anything on the buy sell), anyway after you sign then it is what it is. You have to make all parties prove what they promised or offered you in the Buy Sell before you sign the closing papers. The buyer thinks that the real estate buy sell is a binding contract.
It is in the sense that if the buyer and seller signs and one tries to back out you can take a few years out of your life and Sue for "Specific Performance" to hold the buyer or the seller to the contract, should they want out for any reason. However, the buy sell is not legally binding automatically, in any way, you have to fight for your right to actually have what the buy sell agreement promised that you should or could have.
In this Situation the Seller, who use to be the buyer, also had the original ads that the Realtor put out claiming that their was lake access. Turned Out they had no lake access and would never get it because the lake was fed by an irrigation ditch and had a turbine in it, they did not want anyone on it.
The Realtor, the Seller can promise the moon, they can be lying or really believe what they are saying, either way You Need to Prove it Before You Sign.
Peoples Lives are Ruined by Realtors that Are Not held Accountable for the lies that they knowingly or unknowingly tell.
The Insurance that Realtors have will Beat the Real Estate Consumer pretty much every time, even in the biggest most proven cases of fraud.
Realtors are Bound by Law they have to "Investigate" complaints, they have to listen to the real estate consumer and do the right thing.
This is Bull on every level. The Director at the Association of Realtors encourages (makes, misleads, denies) the "Realtor" members to not file a complaint, she Flat Out Denies them Due Process. She also does this when the Real Estate Consumer calls her for help. She suggests a real estate attorney and so begins the Diary of A Lawsuit. Years of your life, no help what so ever from the Realtor or the Realtor Association that got you into the mess in the first place. They go on to other "Victims" I mean real estate consumers, they continue sleeping well at night and making money. While the Consumer begins the lawsuit to fight for what the Realtor told them they had, or for the non-disclosure of a Realtor.
The Local Association of Realtors turns a Blind eye to the distress of the consumer, this includes a Realtor Member who becomes a Real Estate Consumer. Turning on their own, picking the Realtor with the Biggest Franchise Behind them.
This is the Cold Hard Fact of the Real World of the Real Estate Industry.
What do I hope to gain from all this blathering? Well not Justice that's for sure. I hope to Stop you from go through what others have gone through. I hope to Stop you from what, I myself have seen and gone through personally.
I could just walk away, quite being a real estate broker, get a new carreer and move on quietly. But that is not my, I am Very good at real estate, however, I cannot stomach the total disregard for the Rights of the Real Estate Consumer before, during and after the real estate transaction. I cannot stomach the commercials, billboards and websites that claim that Realtors are of a Higher Standard and that they are the Voice of Real Estate. The National Association of Realtors need to be stripped of their trademark on "NAR is the Voice for Real Estate". This is propaganda, this is a slogan, a way to pull in the unsuspecting prey, this could be new "Realtors" or the "Real Estate Consumer". Come on over to NAR, we got your back, we are "...the Voice for Real Estate", we constantly lobby against the consumer and there is nothing they can do about it. Join the National Association of Realtors and you to can be of a "Higher Standard".
Ok, Lawsuit Time, Get Out Your Checkbook. Time to Pay the Real Estate Attorney, The Forensics Engineer, the Structural Engineer, the Mechanical Engineer, the CAD designer, the Architect, the Roofing Inspector and lots more "specialists",
Why are Realtors able to just say whatever to make the Sale and not have to prove it? This is somthing that several Realtor Associations I have seen allows, condones,and even encourages, the Top agents get away with ruining your life, it is just the way it is.
Crystal L. Cox
Broker Owner
Real Estate Industry Whistleblower
Crystal L. Cox is a Real Estate industry insider, dedicated to Consumer Protection in Real Estate. She is not out to change laws, to lobby congress or to fight the National Association of Realtors. Crystal L. Cox is bringing information directly to the real estate consumer in an effort to Expose the Real Estate Industry and to Protect the real estate consumer from the lack of accountability among the Realtors and to be One voice out here on the internet to counteract the constant lobbying of Washington Officials against the rights of the Real Estate Consumer. Crystal Believes that the Real Estate Industry is seriously broken and that there is no end in sight to the damage that NAR has done and will do to the real estate consumer and to the member of the National Association of Realtors who are doing right by their clients. NAR does not Stand up for their members who are lied to and deceived by fellow members. NAR does not stand up for the Real Estate Consumer and there is NOT one reason to use a Realtor in your Real Estate Transaction. In Fact, using a Realtor can ensure your Lack of Protection and accountability in your real estate transaction.
Crystal L. Cox is passionate about you not being hurt by the severe flaws of the real estate industry.