Friday, June 5, 2009

DIY Computer Repair, Really?

There are three reasons why you would want to DIY Computer Repair...

A lot has been said over the years about DIY or Do It Yourself. Why? Why would you do it yourself? Good question, most of the time you will get this as an answer: Save Money! Yes you defiantly will save some money.

Is that all there is to it though? Really? Is there some other compelling reason to do it yourself? Maybe, If you are the type of person that gets a good feeling, or an ego boost when you do something and it turns out very well.

Then again you maybe the type of person that doesn't want someone else to do the task because no one can do it as well as you can. What if you are new to the idea of doing it yourself? Where would you find the information to do the task? There are a lot of places to get the information such as a library, the local book store, or on the internet.

What if the information is spread across all these places instead of one place? Then you spend more time looking for the information to do it yourself than you would doing the actual task.

You could buy a book or an e-book that has some of the information or you could go to the local collage and take courses that teach theory but not any actual how to do it. Or you could buy one of those 'Dummies' books that leave you wondering what did you miss because they don't go far enough to complete the job. Then you could go buy another book to see if that had the information to complete the job. By now you are sitting in front of your broken computer scratching your head wondering what they are talking about, micro, nana, cap, resistor, bus, Mega Hertz, Giga bytes, totally Greek!

Now you have invested as much money and quadruple as much time as it would have been to have a computer tech come to you and repair the computer. Not much of a choice is it, looking for the information all over the world, litterly, and the world wide web.

Well what if someone that had a lot of experience in the computer industry and is now retired decided to help you do it yourself? Such as a DIY Computer Repair book or even an e-book?

What if the guy writing this article did that for you? Would you like to DIY Computer Repair? Think about it, boost your ego, get the job done right, and save some money. What a bargain! The thing is you have to search the internet to find a book that has all this information in one place, or do you?

Monte Russell with over 20 years experience, numerous degrees and certificates, writes the free monthly Fit It, always intriguing, full of insights about computing.

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