Friday, August 28, 2009

Making Google Love Your Website For More Traffic - Part 1

Making Google love your website can be easier than you think! Are you lost in the pack of websites in your niche market? Well here are a few tips that could put you on the first page of Google in no time.

Tip#1. Create effective title, page description, and key words. How your website is constructed can have a major impact on how your website comes up in response to search requests. Now if you haven't a clue about this, because you have outsourced the construction of your website, here is your next step. Go your home page, and right click your mouse. Then click on, view source or view page source, from the view menu. There you will be able to see exactly, what your tags are telling Google, when they crawl your site.

The most important tag for the search engines is the title tag. The title tag is enclosed between opening title tag: and the closing title tag . It is located in the head section of the HTML document, or webpage.

Always use your main key word or key words in your title tag. Be sure to use your main key word near the beginning and again near the end of your title tag while making your title easy to read without looking keyword spammed.

Your description tag is another important element in making your site SEO friendly. This tag is used by most of the search engines in their listings. Here is something that you really need to get right! The description tag looks like this:

<Meta Name="Description" Content="Your description goes here">.This is also found in the head section of your web page.

Something short like "acne treatment" gets directly to the point but this could be greatly improved upon by expanding and listing more benefits. Try this... "Acne Gone" is the best "acne treatment" known to man! No other "acne treatment" comes close to our proven results. Take some time and think this process out in depth. After all your lively hood is worth the extra effort.

Your key words tag is also found in the head section of your web pages. It looks like this:

<Meta Name="Keywords" Content="Your Keyword phrases go here separated by commas"> The key words you choose for your page are important, because they tell the search engines what content is going to be found on the web page. Google and as well as all other search engines present search results based on how relevant your key words and key phrases are when someone types in a search term or phrase.

Try to keep your key word phrases to less than seven and try not to repeat the same key words. For example if you are using "acne skin treatment" and "the worlds best acne skin treatment" then only use the first one and change the second on to best acne skin care. (Next Part 2. Optimizing Your Web Copy)

Terry Day is an Internet Marketer and an International Hall of Fame Photographer. You can sign up for his free photo tips and view a portfolio of his work @ Want some Marketing Tips? View his blog for some Great Marketing Information and Product Reviews @

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