Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Conservation Marketing

Times are tough, somewhat like the Great Depression. Still, we must all have hope and realize people still survived during those troubling times and some even got rich. Necessity has always been the mother of invention and uncertain times call for extraordinary creativity. These are times when staying inside the box will kill your business.

Restructuring our mentality for growth has many facets, requires persistence, and brings about lasting change for the better. Conservation is of the utmost importance today while our ecological and economic worlds are in peril. The human race simply cannot afford the luxury of wanton disregard for both.

Conservation is the cutting edge of opportunity no matter the field it is what the world needs. The call to action has never been more clear for creative people to rise up and solve problems rather than adding to them. Where does that leave the get rich quick peddlers? They should be running for cover because their day in the sun is up, it is time for the new breed of Internet Marketers to take control. It is time to let value, economy, and integrity rule the face of online marketing instead of up sell escalator routine we are so familiar with. Let's face it does anybody really like all the browser controlling pop up, fly in garbage we are being fed? No, only a fool would like to be manipulated in such a way.

I have a rule of thumb I go by when shopping for anything:

1 If I can't afford the price I won't but it.

2 If I don't like the price I won't buy it.

3 If the quality is low I won't buy it.

4 If I don't like the presentation I won't buy it.

5 If it seems to good to be true I won't buy it.

6 If it is an up sell before I have even purchased chances are I won't by it.

My rules are simple. I like to be treated fairly and in exchange I am willing to pay a fair price for almost anything. I admire straight shooting with a lack of theatrics to get into my wallet.

The entitlement mentality is still running rampant in our societies today. Getting paid what you are worth has taken on some fairly obviously erroneous forms, after all who is worth a five or six figure income who has not put out some effort for it? Nobody, and people usually learn the hard way that getting rich overnight is a pipe dream.

Design your business and your life around conservation, commitment, and courage. Tough times require fortitude and especially in marketing. There are no easy meals in the marketing house you must work for your food. Roll up your sleeves and learn to earn with Internet Marketing.

"Mountains are usually imposing at first, but with each step the summit is closer." William Muncrief 2008

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