Sunday, May 10, 2009

How to Increase Traffic at Your Next Open House

Open houses have a bad reputation in the minds of many real estate agents. Often they're under-attended and rarely lead to a sale. In fact, many agents see open houses simply as a good opportunity to attract new clients rather than being a viable marketing opportunity for the home itself. Despite open houses' lackluster results, they're still regarded by sellers as one of the primary techniques for selling a home.

It makes sense really that open houses continue to be a staple in the real estate industry because they provide a great opportunity for people to visit homes with no pressure. They end up with a gentle introduction to the home rather than a more intensive one-on-one appointment.

Open houses don't have to be a waste of time and energy. If you can increase the amount of foot traffic you have during the event, you can increase the chances of drawing a serious buyer. Getting better attendance means getting the word out to more people in the community. But how do you do this?

First, try switching up the hours of your open house. Morning open houses catch people before they head to work or begin running their errands, while late afternoon or early evening events make it easy for busy people to stop by at the end of their day, when other open houses have already closed down.

No matter what time of day you choose to host your open house, be sure to provide snacks that are time appropriate. For instance, during morning open houses, offer coffee and pastries. In the evening, have sparkling cider, cheese, and crackers available for people to munch on. This way they'll stay a little while and relax in the space--truly get to know the house.

In terms of advertising, don't just put up signs on the day of the event. You need to let people know about the open house well ahead of time so they can make plans to attend. Get out there a few days early and post signs that include the date of the upcoming open house, the address, your phone number, and your website URL so people can find out more information.

It's also a good idea to have flyers available in a flyer tube attached to your signs. Include details about the property as well as information about the actual open house. Make sure your contact info is printed on the document as well, suggesting people call for a private tour.

Go around the neighborhood just before the open house, posting flyers or doorknob hangers to encourage them to come. While this will inevitably bring in more neighbors and lookie loos, there's still a chance that those neighbors are either in the market themselves, or know someone who is.

Use the Internet to your advantage. Have a page on your website dedicated to upcoming open houses that you're hosting. You can also mention open houses in your newsletter or email campaign. In addition, you can get a lot of great exposure by posting ads on local forums and websites like Craigslist. You want to get the word out to people who might not otherwise hear about the open house.

If you stick with tradition and only post signs around the neighborhood the same day as the event, you're only going to capture the attention of a small group of people. There are buyers that live outside that radius who might be very interested in the property you're trying to sell. Get their attention by casting a wider net, posting ads in places you normally wouldn't, and be sure to give people lots of notice. You'll get a lot more traffic coming through the door which means that your property stands a much better chance of being sold.

Jerry Clifford has received the prestigious 100% Club award for his success as a real estate agent in the Minneapolis real estate area. He is certified as an ePRO and prides himself on attention to detail. If you need help in your search for Minneapolis townhomes, visit

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