Friday, May 22, 2009

Stewardship - A New Twist on Time Management

So little time and so much to do; or is it - so much to do and so little time? Either way you say it, there are only so many hours in a day and if we don't manage our time well, we end up being far less productive and satisfied in our home, family and business; and thus, we can end up severely diminishing our creativity and motivation.

Although there are lots of really cool systems for helping us to improve time management, I'm actually advocating a total mind shift for how you think about time and relate to it. I'm asking you to begin to approach time management from the perspective of stewardship. Stewardship is defined as: the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care. Time is your gift. How are you utilizing it?

Admittedly, I didn't always have a mindset of stewardship, but that all changed after I purchased my first home. I was so grateful for my home that I decided that I wanted to take really good care of it. I decided to apply a principle that is usually associated with a spiritual context. I decided I would become an excellent steward of my home.

When I sold my home after 2 years and 10 months of ownership I earned double the money I'd paid for it. When it came time to sell, I was extremely proud of all of the work I'd put into the home: the repairs, general upkeep and improvements. That pride of ownership created a powerful vibration which everyone could feel just from standing on the front walk. While I was stewarding my home I never felt like I was wasting time. I felt motivated, creative, confident, and proud. I kept a regular schedule so nothing fell into disrepair, and as you can see, I benefited tremendously from adopting the mindset of stewardship. I saw my home as something entrusted to me. As a result, I approached all of the time and energy I put into the care of the home with an entirely different focus.

So here's what I'd like for you to do, begin to think differently about time. Begin to think of time as being entrusted to your care and that you are responsible for it. When you decide to become a steward over your time you will experience three awesome benefits:

=> Increased self confidence and self value

=> Increased motivation and creativity to find solutions

=> Increased productivity and the kinds of results that will move you forward in life

Now those are some pretty great pay offs for adopting a small mind shift like stewardship. Each day wake up and say to yourself I am going to treat my time as something valuable that has been entrusted to my care.

The mindset of stewardship will have you experiencing deeper commitment as you identify and achieve your tasks, objectives and goals!

Download a free motivation enhancement tip sheet by visiting to learn how to shift your mindset so you can Dream Big and maintain your motivation mojo no matter what's going on! For the past 15 years Denise Hart has been teaching women how to discover success strategies in record time that improve the bottom line in all areas of their lives & offering free weekly teleseminars, as well as online courses with a workshop environment. Visit for the #1 workshop to help you develop immediate success solutions - "Motivation Solutions" 6 days 30 minutes a day!

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